Your credit is important. Poor credit prevents you from getting a mortgage, auto loan, being approved for an apartment, and more. Unfortunately, bad credit can happen to anyone — not just irresponsible spenders. If you lost your job while having outstanding...
If you’re like most people, you’re probably paying too much for cable and internet. Cutting your internet and cable costs is a great way to save money and improve your financial wellbeing. There’s no need to pay excessive amounts of money on your...
Your savings account might not be netting you as much interest as it could. Whether you’re simply saving to create a comfortable emergency fund or you’re starting to plan for retirement, it’s important to ensure that your savings account is...
It might be time for you to review your banking options. Opening a new online bank account could save you money and offer you benefits that you didn’t know existed. Maintenance charges, overdraft fees, and ATM fees could cost you hundreds of dollars every year....
Until recently, a cable TV subscription was pretty much the only way you could keep up with your favorite shows. Unfortunately, though, cable TV has always been plagued by excessive commercials. Moreover, a cable TV subscription requires customers to pay for channels...
Consumers are continuing to move away from traditional banks as they continue to grow frustrated with high fees and poor interest rates. In addition to these reasons, many consumers simply don’t trust traditional banks and don’t find themselves visiting their local...