If you own a car, you need car insurance. Unfortunately, car insurance rates can be pretty expensive, especially if you’re a young driver. We can all afford to do what we can to lower our monthly expenses. Since car insurance can cost well over $100 per month in...
Road trips can be a very cost-effective vacation. You can save money on transportation expenses while enjoying scenic routes and visiting unique towns on the way to your destination. However, if you’re not careful, road trip expenses can quickly add up. Gas,...
Of course, if you’re considering purchasing an electric car, it’s likely due to the environmental benefits. When it comes to protecting the environment, there is no debate — electric cars are a much better option. However, the electric car industry...
Electric vehicles (EVs) are continuing to become a more popular option for people in the market for a new car. In addition to the amazing environmental benefits, electric vehicles can be a cost-effective long-term investment as you are sure to save significant amounts...
When considering a new vehicle, often times the matter of fuel economy comes up. The cost of fueling your vehicle is only getting more expensive; luckily, these cars make it so that you don’t have to fill up quite as often. These are some of the most fuel efficient...
In recent years, fuel-efficient hatchbacks have become some of the most popular cars in both the United States and Europe. With features like ample passenger room, significant cargo space, and an undeniably stylish aesthetic, it’s no wonder that these vehicles are the...